Hůsková Jitka, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
- Principles of health and safety at work in internal, surgical and paediatric wards. - Patient safety. Risks of falls (prevention). - Introduction to the character, specifics and organization of work in internal surgical and paediatric wards. - Introduction to the specifics and organization of work in internal surgical and paediatric outpatient clinics. - Working with the documentation in the particular department. - Fulfilment of nursing interventions according to the valid norms and standards. - Monitoring of pain, its evaluation and intervention. - Implementation of the nursing process according to the conceptual model of nursing care. - Education of adult and paediatric patients, including their relatives. - Collaboration and effective communication in a multidisciplinary team (sharing patient information). - Specifics of communication with children and their parents. - Prevention of the immobilization syndrome. Principles of positioning immobile patients. - Verticalization of patients, self-care training, elements of rehabilitation nursing. - Analysis of semestral tasks, keeping track of accomplished tasks (logbook). - Analysis of problem situations during the practical training. - Analysis of the practical training environment, identification of potential problem situations.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming), Observation, Demonstration, Training in motion and work skills, Practice exercises, Teamwork
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
explain the use of current treatment/diagnostic methods in relation to the provision of nursing care (endoscopy, mini-invasive diagnostic and treatment procedures, one-day surgery, etc.), |
explain the use of current treatment/diagnostic methods in relation to the provision of nursing care (endoscopy, mini-invasive diagnostic and treatment procedures, one-day surgery, etc.), |
substantiate the specifics of care, for patients with comorbidities in internal and surgical care, |
substantiate the specifics of care, for patients with comorbidities in internal and surgical care, |
substantiate the importance of safe communication with the patient, |
substantiate the importance of safe communication with the patient, |
explain the need for secure patient identification, |
explain the need for secure patient identification, |
describe the role and competence of the general nurse in the care of internal and surgical patients, |
describe the role and competence of the general nurse in the care of internal and surgical patients, |
search an understanding of the meaning of critical thinking, openness and feedback as help and support of the helping professions, |
search an understanding of the meaning of critical thinking, openness and feedback as help and support of the helping professions, |
Skills |
apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in the laboratory conditions of teaching to internal, surgical care (collection of medical history, assessment by a nurse, use of assessment techniques of self-sufficiency, measurement of physiological functions, administration of medicinal products, etc.), see Logbook, |
apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in the laboratory conditions of teaching to internal, surgical care (collection of medical history, assessment by a nurse, use of assessment techniques of self-sufficiency, measurement of physiological functions, administration of medicinal products, etc.), see Logbook, |
refine professional practical skills in the clinical practice of internal and surgical care, |
refine professional practical skills in the clinical practice of internal and surgical care, |
perform rehabilitation treatment in internal and surgical care, |
perform rehabilitation treatment in internal and surgical care, |
communicate with the patient and his family in a multidisciplinary team, |
communicate with the patient and his family in a multidisciplinary team, |
participate in the education of nursing care in internal and surgical care, |
participate in the education of nursing care in internal and surgical care, |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Teamwork |
Teamwork |
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming) |
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming) |
Demonstration |
Demonstration |
Observation |
Observation |
Training in motion and work skills |
Practice exercises |
Practice exercises |
Training in motion and work skills |
assessment methods |
Conversation |
Conversation |
Analysis of the student's portfolio |
Analysis of the student's portfolio |
Systematic observation of the student |
Analysis of the student's performance |
Analysis of the student's performance |
Systematic observation of the student |
Recommended literature
Průvodce odbornou praxí/ Deník odborné praxe a informace [online]. Dostupný z http://vyuka.fhs.utb.cz.
GOPEE, N. Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2015.
HALMO, R. Sebepéče v ošetřovatelské praxi. Praha: Grada, 2015.
HAUKE, M. Zvládání problémových situací se seniory. Praha: Grada, 2014.
HERDMAN, T.H. & KAMITSURU, S., překlad Pavla Kudlová. NANDA International, Inc. OŠETŘOVATELSKÉ DIAGNÓZY: Definice a klasifikace 2015-2017. Praha: Grada, 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-5412-3.
JOINT COMMISSION RESOURCES. Prevence pádů ve zdravotnickém zařízení. Praha: Grada, 2007.
KLÍMA, J. a kol. Pediatrie pro nelékařské zdravotnické obory.. Praha:Grada, 2016. ISBN 80-247-5014-9.
KUDLOVÁ, Pavla. Ošetřovatelský proces a jeho dokumentace. Zlín: UTB Academia centrum, 2016.
Sikorová, L. Potřeby dítěte v ošetřovatelském procesu. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3593-1.
SLEZÁKOVÁ, L. Ošetřovatelství v chirurgii II.. Praha: Grada, 2010.
SLEZÁKOVÁ, L. Ošetřovatelství v chirurgii I.. Praha: Grada, 2010.
ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, A. a M. NEJEDLÁ. Interní ošetřovatelství II.. Praha: Grada, 2006.
ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, A. a M. NEJEDLÁ. Interní ošetřovatelství I.. Praha: Grada, 2006.
ŠPIRUDOVÁ, L. Doprovázení v ošetřovatelství I: pomáhající profese, doprovázení a systém podpor pro pacienty. Praha: Grada, 2015.
ŠPIRUDOVÁ, L. Doprovázení v ošetřovatelství II: doprovázení sester sestrami, mentorování, adaptační proces, supervize. Praha: Grada, 2015.
TÓTHOVÁ, Valerie a kol. Ošetřovatelský proces a jeho realizace. Praha: Triton, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7387-785-9.
TRACHTOVÁ, Eva a kolektiv. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu. 3. vydání. NCO NZO, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7013-553-2.
VENGLÁŘOVÁ, M. a kol. Sestry v nouzi: syndrom vyhoření, mobbing, bossing. Praha: Grada, 2011.
VENGLÁŘOVÁ, Martina a kol. Supervize v ošetřovatelské praxi. Praha: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4082-9.
VÉVODA, Jiří. Motivace sester a pracovní spokojenost ve zdravotnictví. Praha: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4732-3.
VÖRÖSOVÁ, G., A. SOLGAJOVÁ a S. ARCHALOUSOVÁ. Ošetřovatelská diagnostika v práci sestry. Praha: Grada, 2015. ISBN 24759265.
WATSON, J. Human Caring Science.. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2012.
WORKMAN, B., BENNETT, C. L. Klíčové dovednosti sester. Praha: Grada, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1714-X.
ŽIAKOVÁ, K. a kol. Ošetrovateľské konceptuálne modely. Martin: Osveta, 2007.