Course: Cooperation of Kindergartens with Instution of Preschool Education

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Course title Cooperation of Kindergartens with Instution of Preschool Education
Course code USP/PK4SI
Organizational form of instruction Consultation + Lesson + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Petrů Puhrová Barbora, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
- Institutions of preschool education in the Czech Republic and abroad. - Types of preschool facilities, their establishment, functions and possibilities of cooperation in the field of preschool education. - Forms of kindergarten cooperation with other institutions. - Cooperation within the preschool (school council, pedagogical council, parents' council, etc.) - Institutions, organizations and other actors entering into cooperation, communication and negotiations with the kindergarten. - The role of the founder in cooperation with the kindergarten. - Cooperation between kindergarten and elementary school. - Cooperation with other institutions (state administration bodies and local governments). - Cooperation with other institutions (schools, educational institutions).

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (Exposition, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming), Analysis of a presentation, Text analysis
  • Participation in classes - 25 hours per semester
  • Term paper - 30 hours per semester
  • Home preparation for classes - 5 hours per semester
Students have basic knowledge in the field of cooperation between kindergarten and family, primary school and other institutions of preschool education. Students manage to create a cooperation plan or project.
Students have basic knowledge in the field of cooperation between kindergarten and family, primary school and other institutions of preschool education. Students manage to create a cooperation plan or project.
learning outcomes
preschool education institutions here and abroad
preschool education institutions here and abroad
different forms of cooperation
different forms of cooperation
the importance of the founder for the functioning of the kindergarten
the importance of the founder for the functioning of the kindergarten
cooperation possibilities according to the type of institution
cooperation possibilities according to the type of institution
the essence of creating a cooperation plan
the essence of creating a cooperation plan
name the importance of kindergarten cooperation with various institutions
name the importance of kindergarten cooperation with various institutions
use forms of cooperation according to the kindergarten's plan
use forms of cooperation according to the kindergarten's plan
compile and defend a cooperation project
compile and defend a cooperation project
explain the role of the founders of preschool institutions
explain the role of the founders of preschool institutions
clarify the importance of cooperation with elementary school
clarify the importance of cooperation with elementary school
teaching methods
Analysis of a presentation
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming)
Text analysis
Text analysis
Analysis of a presentation
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming)
Monologic (Exposition, lecture, briefing)
Monologic (Exposition, lecture, briefing)
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming)
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming)
Methods for working with texts (Textbook, book)
Methods for working with texts (Textbook, book)
assessment methods
Analysis of seminar paper
Analysis of seminar paper
Qualifying examination
Qualifying examination
Recommended literature
  • Epstein, J. L. School, family, and community partnerships: preparing educators and improving schools. Boulder: Westview Press, a Member of the Perseus Books Group. 2011.
  • Lazarová, B., Pol, M., Lelieur, R., Schelfhout, W., Vanhoof, J., Vanlommel, K., Brejc, M., Erčulj, J., Hortlund, T., Malmberg, K., Devlin, L., Morgan-Guthrie, R., Wallis, T., Cebrián, D., & Cebrián, M. Leading learning networks in education: theoretical framework and school leaders' perspectives across Europe. Brno: Masaryk University Press. 2020.
  • Majerčíková, J., & Rebendová, A. Mateřská škola ve světě univerzity. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati. 2016.
  • Miňová, M. Kooperácia materskej školy s rôznymi inštitúciami. Prešov: Rokus. 2017.
  • Petrů Puhrová, B. Spolupráce ZŠ a MŠ jako výzva pro rozvoj školy. In Nové výzvy pro předškolní pedagogiku. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati. 2015.
  • Pohnětalová, Y. Vztahy školy a rodiny: případové studie. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus. 2015.
  • Průcha, J. et al. Předškolní dítě a svět vzdělávání: přehled teorie, praxe a výzkumných poznatků. Praha: Wolters Kluwer. 2016.
  • Syslová, Z., Borkovcová, I., & Průcha, J. Péče a vzdělávání dětí v raném věku: komparace české a zahraniční situace. Praha: Wolters Kluwer. 2014.
  • Syslová, Z. Proměna mateřské školy v učící se organizaci. Praha: Wolters Kluwer. 2016.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester