Course: History of Culture 1

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Course title History of Culture 1
Course code KUMK/CKDK1
Organizational form of instruction Seminar
Level of course unspecified
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech, Czech, Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Göttlichová Marcela, PaedDr.
Course content
1. Introductory lesson - introduction to the content and structure of the course, literary sources, requirements for the conclusion of the course. 2. Concept of the history of culture: etymological definition of the concept of culture in continuity with the basic tendencies of cultural development - basic concepts, theories, representatives, periodization. 3. Art as the highest form of spiritual culture, specification and classification of art - types, means genres and functions of art. 4. Formation of the beginnings of artistic representation in the culture of prehistoric times (Paleolithic and Neolithic art). 5. The birth of the culture of antiquity I: a) art of the potamic phase - Mesopotamia as a broad spectrum of human thought and activity. 6. The Birth of the Culture of Antiquity I: b) the development of ancient Egyptian art (pre-dynastic, dynastic (Old, Middle and New Kingdom) and late periods). 7. Culture of Antiquity II: the emergence of antiquity - a) the culture of the Aegean region (Cretan (Minoan) art, Mycenaean art). 8. Culture of Antiquity II: A) the contribution of the culture of ancient Greece (Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods). 9. Culture of Antiquity II: B) The culture of the Apennine Peninsula - Etruscan art as a link between Greek and Roman art. 10. Culture of Antiquity II: B) Culture of the Apennine Peninsula - ancient Roman culture (Republican period, Imperial period). 11. Art of Christian Antiquity - the link between ancient and medieval culture; Western European art of the early Middle Ages (pre-Carolingian, Carolingian, Ottonian periods). 12. High Middle Ages: Romanesque art as promotion of religious ideology, return to theocentrism. 13. Gothic (early, high and late): artistic expression of the high and late Middle Ages; culture in a world of religious ideas.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecturing, Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming), Projection (static, dynamic)
  • Home preparation for classes - 30 hours per semester
  • Term paper - 25 hours per semester
  • Preparation for course credit - 25 hours per semester
  • Participation in classes - 8 hours per semester
Prerequisites are not set
Prerequisites are not set
Prerequisites are not set
Prerequisites are not set
learning outcomes
Knowledge gained by completing the course:
Knowledge gained by completing the course:
1. Introduction to the theory of culture with a focus on the genesis and typology of the concept of culture, its elements, components and classification
1. Introduction to the theory of culture with a focus on the genesis and typology of the concept of culture, its elements, components and classification
2. Specification of art as the highest form of spiritual culture: types, means, genres and functions of art
2. Specification of art as the highest form of spiritual culture: types, means, genres and functions of art
3. Orientation in the delineation of primary tendencies and epochs in the history of culture and art
3. Orientation in the delineation of primary tendencies and epochs in the history of culture and art
4. Gain an overview of the development of culture from the earliest prehistoric forms to the beginning of ancient civilizations
4. Gain an overview of the development of culture from the earliest prehistoric forms to the beginning of ancient civilizations
5. Specifics of the Middle Ages in continuity with the transition to the modern period, primarily focusing on understanding the artistic form of communication in the reflection of historical development
5. Specifics of the Middle Ages in continuity with the transition to the modern period, primarily focusing on understanding the artistic form of communication in the reflection of historical development
Skills acquired on completion of the course:
Skills acquired on completion of the course:
1. Creation of aesthetic perception in continuity with the ability of aesthetic relation to reality
1. Creation of aesthetic perception in continuity with the ability of aesthetic relation to reality
2. Capacity for self-judgement in continuity with the values of artistic artefacts
2. Capacity for self-judgement in continuity with the values of artistic artefacts
3. The ability to discover the value of works of art throughout history
3. The ability to discover the value of works of art throughout history
4. Presentation of art from the perspective of the specifics of individual types of art in all its breadth and diversity
4. Presentation of art from the perspective of the specifics of individual types of art in all its breadth and diversity
5. Schopnost utváření autonomního názoru v reflexi percepce historického náhledu v kontinuitě se současným uměním
5. Schopnost utváření autonomního názoru v reflexi percepce historického náhledu v kontinuitě se současným uměním
teaching methods
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming)
Projection (static, dynamic)
Projection (static, dynamic)
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming)
Analysis of a presentation
Analysis of a presentation
Analysis of a work of art
Analysis of a work of art
assessment methods
Analysis of the student's performance
Analysis of the student's performance
Written examination
Written examination
Analysis of a presentation given by the student
Analysis of a presentation given by the student
Analysis of a work of art
Analysis of a work of art
Recommended literature
  • Dějiny umění : malířství, sochařství, architektura. Vyd. 1. Praha : Argo, 1998. ISBN 80-7203-076-0.
  • Adkins, Lesley; Adkins, Roy A. Antický Řím. Praha: Slovart, 2012.
  • Adkins, Lesley; Adkins, Roy A. Starověké Řecko. Praha: Slovart, 2011.
  • Bauer, Alois. Dějiny výtvarného umění. 1. vyd. Olomouc : Rubico, 1998. ISBN 8085839253.
  • Beranová, Věra. Průvodce po světě současné estetiky. Slušovice: Monument, 2017. ISBN 978-80-88143-13-0.
  • Blažíček, O. J., Kropáček, J. Slovník pojmů z dějin umění. Praha : Odeon, 1991. ISBN 80-207-0246-6.
  • Burckhardt, Titus. Zrcadlo moudrosti. Praha: Malvern, 2018.
  • Eagleton, T. Idea kultury. Brno : Host, 2001. ISBN 80-7294-026-0.
  • ECO, Umberto. Dějiny krásy. Praha: Argo, 2015. ISBN 80-7203-677-7.
  • ECO, Umberto. Dějiny krásy. Praha: Argo, 2015. ISBN 80-7203-677-7.
  • ECO, Umberto. Dějiny ošklivosti. Praha: Argo, 2015. ISBN 80-7203-893-0.
  • ECO, Umberto. Dějiny ošklivosti. Praha: Argo, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7203-893-0.
  • ECO, Umberto. Umění a krása ve středověké estetice. Praha: Argo, 2007. ISBN 978-80-72038-92-3.
  • Hodge, Susie. Stručný příběh moderního umění: kapesní průvodce klíčovými směry, díly, tématy a terchnikami. Praha : Grada, 2019. ISBN 9788027120789.
  • Châtelet, Albert; Groslier, Bernadr, Philippe. Světové dějiny umění: malířství, sochařství, architektura, užité umění. Praha: Ottovo nakladatelství v divizi Cesty, 2004. ISBN 80-7181-936-0.
  • Juzl, Miloš. Dějiny umělecké kultury. 1. vyd. Praha : Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1996. ISBN 8004221939.
  • Kulka, Tomáš. Umění a jeho hodnoty. Praha: Argo, 2019. ISBN 978-80-257-2736-2.
  • Matějček, Antonín. Dějepis umění v obrysech. Praha : SNKLHU, 1958.
  • MIKŠ, František. Gombrich ? TaTajemství obrazu a jazyk umění: Pozvání k dějinám a teorii umění. Brno: Barrister a Principal, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7485-231-2.
  • Mikš, František. Gombrich: Tajemství obrazu a jazyk umění: Pozvání k dějinám a teorii umění. Brno: Barrister a Principal, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7485-030-1.
  • Mráz, B. Dějiny výtvarné kultury I.
  • Mráz, B. Dějiny výtvarné kultury I. - IV.
  • Mráz, Bohumír. Dějiny výtvarné kultury II.. Praha: Idea servis, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8597-089-0.
  • Petráň, J. a kol. Dějiny hmotné kultury I. (1,2). Praha : SPN, 1985.
  • Petráň, J. a kol. Dějiny umělecké kultury II. (1). Praha : Karolinum, 1995. ISBN 80-7184-085-8.
  • PIOJAN, José. Dějiny umění 1. Praha: Knižní klub, 1998. ISBN 80-7176-765-4.
  • PIOJAN, José. Dějiny umění 2. Praha: Knižní klub, 1998. ISBN 80-7176-839-1.
  • PIOJAN, José. Dějiny umění 3. Praha: Knižní klub, 1999. ISBN 80-7176-866-9.
  • PIOJAN, José. Dějiny umění 4. Praha: Knižní klub, 1999. ISBN 80-7176-956-8.
  • Vaněk, Jiří. Filosofie v kultuře západní tradice. Praha: ARSCI, 2013. ISBN 9788074200366.
  • WITTLICH, Petr. Literatura k dějinám umění: Vývojový přehled. Praha: Karolinum, 2015. ISBN 978-80-246-3007-6.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester