Filip Jaroslav, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Brief summary of the basics of process engineering and bioengineering. Unit parts of processes, material and energy balances. 2. Introduction to automated control systems (ACS) of (bio) technological processes, the role of algorithmization and modeling. 3. Basic mathematical tools of ACS. Information, signals in ACS. 4. Bioprocesses in terms of automation. 5. Sensors, transducers and detectors for ACS of biotechnological processes - off line. 6. Detectors and transducers and biosensors for online monitoring of bioprocesses. 7. Mathematical modeling of bioprocesses. 8. Mathematical modeling of industrial biotechnological productions. 9. Monitoring and control platforms for recombinant biocatalysts. 10. Modeling and control of "scale-down" bioprocesses. 11. Multivariable and nonlinear evaluation of data from monitoring of biotechnological processes. 12. Modeling at the molecular level. 13. "Quality by Design" approach to biotechnological processes. 14. Examples of applications of the curriculum to specific examples from the environmental and biotechnological field.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Preparation for examination
- 60 hours per semester
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
Basic frameworks of system, process theory and material and energy balances |
Basic frameworks of system, process theory and material and energy balances |
Fundamental principles and mechanisms in system control including system modeling and signals in process control |
Fundamental principles and mechanisms in system control including system modeling and signals in process control |
Principles of standard and advanced methods of measurement of most important quantities for process control |
Principles of standard and advanced methods of measurement of most important quantities for process control |
Specific features of diverse bioprocesses relevant for their automatic control |
Specific features of diverse bioprocesses relevant for their automatic control |
Applications of control of typical environmental (bio)processes |
Applications of control of typical environmental (bio)processes |
Skills |
Draw a block diagram and material and energy balances of simple processes |
Draw a block diagram and material and energy balances of simple processes |
Suggest main components of control system of simple (bio)process |
Suggest main components of control system of simple (bio)process |
Search commercially available/suggest principle of measuring devices needed for control of a given (bio)process |
Search commercially available/suggest principle of measuring devices needed for control of a given (bio)process |
Design complex microfluidic system incl. components for its control |
Design complex microfluidic system incl. components for its control |
Orientation in advanced analysis and data evaluation methods and molecular scale control in environmentally relevant processes |
Orientation in advanced analysis and data evaluation methods and molecular scale control in environmentally relevant processes |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Monologic (Exposition, lecture, briefing) |
Monologic (Exposition, lecture, briefing) |
Methods for working with texts (Textbook, book) |
Methods for working with texts (Textbook, book) |
Skills |
Individual work of students |
Individual work of students |
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming) |
Dialogic (Discussion, conversation, brainstorming) |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Oral examination |
Oral examination |
Written examination |
Written examination |
Analysis of seminar paper |
Analysis of seminar paper |
Grade (Using a grade system) |
Grade (Using a grade system) |
Recommended literature
DERCO, J. a kol. Modelovanie procesov ochrany zložiek životného prostredia. Učebný text.. Bratislava FCHPT STU, 2013.
DOSTÁL, P., GAZDOŠ, F. Řízení technologických procesů. Zlín: UTB, 2006. ISBN 8073184656.
GARZINOVÁ, R. Prvky řídicích systémů.. Ostrava: VŠB-TU, 2012. ISBN 978802482581.
HŘEBÍČEK, J., POSPÍŠIL, Z., URBÁNEK, J. Úvod do matematického modelování s využitím Maple. 1. vyd.. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2010. ISBN 9788072046911.
HŘEBÍČEK, J., ŠKRDLA, M. Úvod do matematického modelování. Dostupné online.
KHANDAN, N. (Ed.). Modeling Tools for Environmental Engineers and Scientists.. CRC Press, Ltd., 2002. ISBN 1-566769957.
MANDENIUS, C.F., THITCHENER-HOOKER, N.J. (Eds.). Measurement, Monitoring, Modelling and Control of Bioprocesses. Springer Verlag, 2013. ISBN 9783642368370.
RAO, S.S. (Ed.). Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice. 4th Ed.. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,, 2009. ISBN 9780470183526.
SONNLEITNER, B.E. (Ed.). Bioanalysis and Biosensors for Bioprocess Monitoring.. Springer, 2013. ISBN 9783662156384.
WICHTERLE, K., VEČEŘ, M. Základy procesního inženýrství. VŠB TU, 2012. ISBN 9788024825809.